Sunday, January 6, 2019

Religion Outside of Church

I didn't really get much out of church today, largely because I was in something of a funk. See, I'm not really big on socializing. I'm more of an introvert. Most of my best religious experiences have been in places of peace and quiet, usually outside, with just me and God. Going into a building with hundreds of other people, many of whom want to shake my hand and carry out a brief conversation with me, is not my idea of a religious experience.

Fortunately, I can (and should regularly) have religious experiences outside of church. Every time I pray and read the scriptures can be a religious experience. Every time I sing a hymn, I can connect to the spirit. I don't necessarily need to be anywhere near a church or temple to draw close to God.

I don't need church to be quiet and peaceful. I'd prefer it if it were, but I don't need it to be. Church is a great source of insights and spiritual thoughts, but it doesn't need to be (and shouldn't be) my only source of spiritual strength. And it certainly shouldn't be the only place were I practice or ponder my religion!

Religious observance should be a much more frequent, if not constant, part of my life. Worshiping for only two or three hours per week is absurd! I need more light than that, especially since I personally don't get a whole lot of light at church. I need to strengthen my personal connection with God and the Spirit. I should draw on their light at least daily, not just on Sundays, and I should do it at home or wherever I am, not just at church. Church is essential, but I find it insufficient. I need to have more religious experiences, even outside of church.

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