Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Rules of Morality

I sometimes wrestle with philosophical absolutes, trying to codify the rules of morality. I ask myself questions like: Is all life sacred? Is killing ever justified? If ever, when is killing justified? Is it okay to kill for food? Is it okay to kill in self-defense? Fortunately, I've never had to personally prove my beliefs in my answers to these questions. But as I consider the questions of what's moral and what's immoral, I realize that I'm trying to reinvent the wheel. We already have a set of laws that codify morality. They're called The Commandments. God has already answered many of our most pressing moral questions. We just need to learn to accept His answers, even though we can't always explain how He arrived at those conclusions. I trust God. I trust His commandments. I don't need to keep asking myself what's moral and what's not. In many cases, God has already told me.

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