Monday, March 1, 2010

01 March 10

Dear Home,

This letter will probably be a short one this week. I'm somewhat pressed for time right now.

I know you deserve better, especially since last week all I wrote was a list of things I wanted to be updated on my blog  (most of which I changed but did not post in his blog - B), mostly my wishlist. How can I ask so much of you and offer so little in return? I must be a jerk. >_<

I know you've all heard this already, but I've just got to tell you (Mostly because it's such a huge deal around here) that Canada won the Gold Medals for both Mens and Womens ice hockey!! I wish I could've seen the Men's game USA vs Canada. I heard that it was a real fight to the finish! That would've been fun to see.
Hey, you remember Kevin Porter? He's the one getting baptised, standing between me and Elder Taylor. He had a Stake Priesthood Meeting recently, and he's going to be recieving the Melchezidek Priesthood! (Yes, I know I spelled that wrong.) Isn't that exciting?! I'm so encouraged to see that someone that I taught as a non-member is now progressing so far in the Gospel. ^^ It just makes me feel so happy inside. ^^

Oh, by the way, we got transfer calls. I'm staying here for another month and a half. I'm excited about that. ^^

Well, I've got a few more things that I wanted to tell you, but I don't think I have time. I'll have to save it for next week. Or later today, if I get more time. Until then, you know where to reach me.

Your Weekly Disappointing Missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts


Miriam said...

I watched the men's hockey game at my friends' house. It was so exciting! Everyone was yelling when it went into overtime. We were all cheering for USA, but I was happy for Canada when they won. That must be awesome for them to win while their country was hosting the Olympics.

Miriam said...

That's great news about Kevin!