Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Dear Home,
I have.... 40ish minutes left. I'm doing a lot better this week than in previous weeks! I hope I can keep it up!
  Last week, after P-Day activity, I realised that I didn't have my planner with me. My planner has my weekly shopping list in it, so I had to go by memory that week, but that was okay. I knew what we needed. After all the P-Day stuff, we went out to work, and I once again realized that I hadn't botherred to grab my planner, which had all the plans for what we were going to do that evening, but that was fine, too, because Elder Brown had his planner and he knew what we were doing (lesson learned: two heads are better  then one). That night, we went in to plan for the next day, and I still didn't know where my planner was. Did I leave it at the church? No matter. I found a blank day in one of my old planners and use that. The next day, we went to look for my planner at the church. No luck. My planner wasn't in the church. It wasn't in the apartment. It wasn't ANYWHERE. I had lost my planner.
  My mom has a planner, too. she uses some kind of portable computer device to record names, dates, addresses, phone numbers, To-Dos, appointments, and everything else. She calls it her brain. Last week, I lost my brain. I lost my mind. I had lost it. But luckily, there was a blank planner in our apartment, so I started filling that one up, and it's the one I'm using now. I'd better not lose this one! That would be terrible! D= Luckily, that's not going to happen. I'll keep good track of my planner from now on. ^^
  I've heard it said that any useful talent you have will be put to good use on your mission. Example: Brother Wanner put on a Celtic Music concert a while ago. He used electronic audio equipment, and asked the missionaries to help him take it down. Meaning that there were wires to coil up, and the missionaries and I were to be the ones to coil them. When I was younger, my father, who deals with electronic audio equipment all the time, had taught me how to propperly coil a wire, so when I was handed a wire to coil, I knew exactly what to do.
  But coiling wire isn't my only useful talent. I also like to write. Sister Paulson, the Mission President's wife, found out about this talent, and asked me to write the conversion story of one of our investigators, whom I've told you about. I think I called him Thomas. He's been having a lot of ups and downs lately, and the ups and downs have been becoming more and more dramatic as time goes by. He's VERY close to baptism, but he's also having family experiences that are tearing his soul apart. Please pray for him. He needs all the help he can get, and, with a little bit of Divine help, he'll feel ready for baptism soon enough.
  Most of the missionaries are done now, but I'm not! D= Why am I always the slowest one?
  Today marks the end of my 11th month as a missionary. One more month, and my mission will be half over! That's crazy! It doesn't feel like it's been that long. I'm not ready for my mission to be half-over! =( I'm learning too much out here! I want to keep it up!
  But now I have to go. =/ There's never enough time =(
Love, your The-Time-Is-Far-Spent missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts
PS, I love you! -hugs everyone- -hugs Mom again- Talk to you next week. =)

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