Thursday, November 24, 2016

Just Thank Him and Use it Well

When I think about God's blessings to His children, particularly to me, I sometimes wonder how we can repay Him, and it frustrates me that we pretty much can't ever repay Him for what He does for us. No matter how much we do for Him, it will never measure up to what He does, or even has done, for us. Unfortunately for those of us who want to repay God, there's no really way for us to do that. All we can really do, and all He really wants or expect us to do, is thank God for the blessings He gives us and strive to use them well.

There's an analogy of a parent who buys piano lessons for their child. There's no way the child can repay their parent at their age. The parent asks their child to make use of the lessons by practising and playing the piano, but that doesn't put money back in their parent's pockets. All it means is that the child is making good use of the lessons their parent paid for.

Similarly, we can't offer God anything of equivalent value to the gifts He gives us, but we can thank Him for those gifts and use them as He would want us to. Doing so doesn't repay God in any way, but it does make His blessing us worth His while. So, this Thanksgiving, as you're expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life, also ask yourself how God would like you to use those blessings to bless others as well. Many blessings can be shared, and many others can be used in other ways. Though we can never repay God for the many blessings He gives us, but we can at least thank Him for them and pledge to use them well.

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