Saturday, October 6, 2018

Preparing to Blog about Conference

As soon as I finish blogging about one General Conference, it's time to start blogging about the next one. Yet, I'm reluctant to begin because I want to have the text of each talk available when I blog about it. For example, I could launch right into something President Nelson had said, something about each of us being responsible for our own spiritual welfare, but I want to make sure I get the wording right and that I don't take what he said out of context, so I'll blog about the talks themselves later, when the talks have been published.

In the meantime, maybe I'll just go over how I plan to blog about Conference this time around. Taking notes in General Conferences has been different for me for the last few years. Before, I would just listen to the talks, and maybe take notes on paper, notes that I would almost never revisit. Now, I take notes on my laptop, knowing that there's a fair chance that I'll return to these notes when I blog about these talks. As such, I'm leaving myself some possible blog post topics for each talk. Most of them are quotes, doctrines, or ideas that just stick out to me and seem like they'd be easy to talk about or interesting to explore. I look forward to discussing them with you, and I especially look forward to already having some idea of what I could blog about when I revisit the talks. That should help streamline the process and make sure I don't get stuck just blogging about whatever comes to mind on the night I revisit the talk.

General Conference is a fantastic spiritual resource, but just as water that overflows out of a bucket falls wasted to the ground, so too do most of my thoughts about Conference slip away from me almost immediately afterwards. However, as I keep notes and revisit both the notes and the talks they refer to, I might be able to recapture of the thoughts and impressions I had the first time I heard the talks. At least, that's the plan.

This Conference has been really good so far. I can't wait for the text to come out so I can blog about each talk individually.

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