Friday, October 5, 2018

Urgent Preparation

Elder Quentin L. Cook titled his most recent talk "Prepare to Meet God." In his talk, he spoke of several things we can do, individually and as a church, to prepare to meet God, but I don't think he adequately stressed the importance and urgency of doing so, at least as individuals. The church will be fine. It won't be destroyed prematurely, and it'll live through the Second Coming, guaranteed.

We individuals, on the other hand, might die. In fact, we will die. The only question is when. We can hope to live through the Second Coming, but we have no idea whether we'll live long enough to even see it. So, knowing that meeting God is inevitable, we would do well to make sure that we're ready at a moment's notice, because we may not even get that much. We have no idea how soon we can expect to meet God, which is why it is urgent that we prepare for it.

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