Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Serving God by Serving in the Church

As one might expect from the title "For Him," Primary General President Joy D. Jones focused her talk on serving in the church for the purpose of serving God. We don't serve in the church in order to get the praise of other members of the church or to get other blessings. Ideally, we don't serve in the church just out of a sense of obligation, either. Rather, we should serve in the church out of a desire to serve the One whose church it is. God has done so much for us, the least we could do is to pay it forward by serving those whom God has asked us to serve. Even if we don't strongly love those whom we've been called to serve or the service we've been asked to do for them, we can still serve anyway, if for no other reason than to show our love and devotion to God. We don't have to love our callings. We don't have to love Ministering. We just have to love God enough to do them anyway, for His sake, and to learn to love His other children in the process.

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