Saturday, May 11, 2019

Deciding the Fight between Titans

If all goes according to plan (and when does it ever?), one of the D&D groups I run D&D for will soon (or eventually) encounter a battle between forces more powerful than any of them. These forces are so powerful that, if the D&D party had to fight either one of them, the party would probably lose, or would at least have a REALLY hard time winning. However, if they play their cards right, the D&D party won't have to fight the aggressor force alone. There will be two great forces in this fight, beside the party. The party's role will be to lend their support, tip the scales of the otherwise-evenly-matched forces, and decide which force defeats the other, even though they probably couldn't defeat either force themselves.

Naturally, this coming conflict is reminding me of the internal conflict we all face every day. There are powerful spiritual forces fighting for our souls. God wants to save us, and Satan wants to destroy us. If we had to fight Satan alone, we'd have a difficult time of it. He has thousands of years of experience, he knows us and our weaknesses well, and he never gets tired of fighting us. A one-on-one fight against Satan is a fight I'm not sure we can win. We certainly can't win easily.

Fortunately, we don't have to fight him alone. God will help us, if we ask Him to, and His power puts Satan's power to shame. If we team up with God, we will certainly defeat Satan, even if we couldn't have defeated him on our own. This may not be a fight we can win on our own, but we don't have to. This doesn't have to be a one-on-one fight against Satan. It's a fight of God against Satan, and we each decides who wins.

My D&D players may not be able to defeat the forces that will stand against them on their own, but they don't have to fight alone. Instead, they can join their chosen side and help their ally win. Similarly, we may not be able to defeat our adversary on our own, and we'd be foolish to try. But God is fighting for our souls just as hard as Satan is, and which of those forces win the fight for our souls is ultimately up to us to decide.

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