Sunday, June 30, 2019

God is Helpful

I'm not a huge fan of making phone calls. Cold calling people has never been one of my favorite things to have to do. So, when I was called to be the Brighton Ward Building Cleaning Coordinator, I wasn't looking forward to the part where I'd have to call people to ask them to come help clean the building. I was close to the point where I'd rather just clean the building myself. However, since coordinating volunteer/invitee cleaners is literally part of the job title, I figured I had to do it. And, as it turned out, it wasn't that bad. I had to psych myself up a bit for it, but I managed to make all the calls I needed to to get a decent number of people signed up to help clean the building this weekend. Naturally, I'll still have to make some reminder calls later in the week, and I have the week after that to plan for as well, and so on for the next five months, but hey, it's a start, and it's actually off to a pretty good start, and I know I have God's grace to thank for that.

I know that this is a very minor situation. Most people wouldn't consider a task like this to be worthy of God's attention, but I believe that God is willing to help us in most, if not all of our trials and challenges, even the minor ones. Having to make phone calls is a little bit of a challenge for me, and it's also part of the job God has asked me to do, so I'm not terribly surprised that God helped me do it and made the task far easier than I thought it would be. Besides, God is, in general, a helpful person. One shouldn't be surprised when God proves willing to lend a hand, even with something as mundane as making phone calls.

God cares about us, and He has an interest in helping us succeed, be it in our callings, in our spiritual progression, or even in our day-to-day lives. God's love and sympathy make Him at least as willing to help others as the most helpful people we know. Naturally, that help will take whatever form God knows is best, so we can't always count on God to help us in the ways we want or expect Him to. However, I think it's fair to say that we can count on God to help us, if we ask Him to. If God is willing to help me make the calls I need to make to fulfill my calling, He's almost certainly willing to help you, too.

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