Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Prophet or Not

Helaman 10:1 And it came to pass that there arose a division among the people, insomuch that they divided hither and thither and went their ways, leaving Nephi alone, as he was standing in the midst of them.

There were many different reactions to Nephis prophecies. Some (rightly) thought he was a prophet. Some thought he was a god. Some thought he was a quack. And some thought he was a conspirator to a murder. I hope that, when we hear prophecies, and especially when we begin to see those prophecies being fulfilled, we will see the prophets for what they are: prophets. Not gods, not frauds, and not lucky guessers. There are those who receive information from God and share it with the rest of the world, and if we, too, seek information from God, He can help us identify the true prophets as the prophets they are.

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