Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Title of Liberty

Alma 46:12 And it came to pass that he rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it—In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children—and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.

This was the Title of Liberty, a banner Captain Moroni made to remind his soldiers what they were fighting for. It was basically like a motivational poster, only instead of featuring a vapid platitude like "You can do this" or "hang in there," Captain Moroni's motivational poster was made to remind the Nephites what their actual motivations were.

When we get lessons about the War Chapters and the Title of Liberty, we are sometimes encouraged to write our own. Personally, I'm motivated by feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit, so my Title of Liberty would probably have "to feel the Spirit" on it somewhere, in addition to other motivating factors.

At some times, especially when it's not easy to make the right choices, I can see it being very helpful to have a list of motivating factors written down somewhere where you can see it. Captain Moroni had copies of the Title of Liberty written and flown over every tower in the area, and while we may not go quite that far with it, I can see the benefit of putting such a list on your bathroom mirror or somewhere in your bedroom; somewhere where you'll see it often.

It can sometimes be difficult to make good decisions. At those time, it can be helpful to have a written list of factors that motivate us to choose the right.

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