Tuesday, August 18, 2020

So Much for Secrecy

In Helaman chapters 1 and 2, a man named Kishkumen conspires with others to help him assassinate Nephite leaders and, hopefully, get away with it.

Helaman 1:11 And he went unto those that sent him, and they all entered into a covenant, yea, swearing by their everlasting Maker, that they would tell no man that Kishkumen had murdered Pahoran.

Helaman 2:3 But behold, Kishkumen, who had murdered Pahoran, did lay wait to destroy Helaman also; and he was upheld by his band, who had entered into a covenant that no one should know his wickedness.

But since we know the name Kishkumen, we know his plan didn't work out. His plot to kill Helaman was foiled, and his secrets were brought to light.

A similar fate may await us as well. Many people endeavor to keep secrets, but those secrets don't always stay kept. In the end, most, if not all secrets will be revealed, and most, if not all works of darkness will be brought to light. At the very least, we know that no one can keep secrets from God.

Relying on secrecy is incredibly foolish. It may work for a time, but it won't last forever. At Final Judgment, there are no secrets. So it's probably best to try not to keep too many secrets in the first place. Kishkumen relied on secrets, and now millions of people all over the globe know how far that got him.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

As far as I know, the only way to keep our dark secrets from being revealed is to sincerely repent. If the Lord "remembers them no more" He certainly won't show them to others.