Sunday, May 19, 2013

Obedience to Law is Liberty

I'd like to make a transition from "Standing Fast in Liberty" to Elder L. Tom Perry's talk, "Obedience to Law is Liberty." In this talk, Elder Perry makes reference to the war in heaven continuing on earth.

This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to be reminded of the commandments.

Why is it so important for us to be reminded of the commandments? Elder Perry explains later in his talk:

Each choice you and I make is a test of our agency—whether we choose to be obedient or disobedient to the commandments of God is actually a choice between “liberty and eternal life” and “captivity and death.” (See 2 Nephi 2: 27)

At first glance, the phrase "obedience to law is liberty" seems to be a paradox. How can we be free when we're subjecting ourselves to someone else's rules? Elder Perry explains that, too:

A useful way to think about the commandments is they are loving counsel from a wise, all-knowing Heavenly Father. His goal is our eternal happiness, and His commandments are the road map He has given us to return to Him, which is the only way we will be eternally happy.

Sometimes, my rebellious spirit needs to be reminded that the commandments aren't electric fences, meant to keep us in a confined area. They're safety rails, meant to keep us out of dangerous areas. I may not fully understand what's so dangerous about certain sins, but I can have enough faith to trust the judgement of the One who does understand, perfectly, just how dangerous sin is. God has given us commandments to protect us and guide us safely to a place where we can truly be free. In that way, obedience to God's law truly does lead to liberty.

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