Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Praying for Help

It strikes me as odd how little we (or "I," since I can't speak for any of you on this matter) don't pray as much as I could. Sure, we pray at the beginning and end of each day, and we pray at our meetings and meals, and sometimes when we're traveling, but there are some many other times that we could pray, but don't. I don't pray before I blog in the morning. I probably should. If I had done that today, I probably would have managed to blog sooner. I don't usually pray over school assignments or studying. I don't pray for help job-hunting. The Bible Dictionary says, "The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them." I what those blessings may include. I wonder how much God is willing to help me with, but is just waiting for me to ask.

A few days ago, I quoted a scripture where the Nephites boasted in their own strength, and were thus left to their own strength, and they failed. We are often 'left to our own strength' when we fail to ask God for help through prayer. I wonder how much better we'd do at things if we asked for God's help in doing them. I wonder how much more I could accomplish, how much I could improve, if I asked God for strength and guidance more regularly. Linking prayer to the Prerequisites idea, using the quote from the Bible Dictionary above, asking for blessings seems like a very small price to pay for receiving them. Perhaps I ought to make a habit of praying more frequently.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I love Alma 34:17-27 where Amulek teaches us to pray about pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere, pretty much all the time. God cares and He can help.