Saturday, August 24, 2013

Preparing for my Sunday School Lesson

This Sunday, I'm going to be teaching a lesson combining two recent General Conference talks: Catch the Wave by Elder Russell M. Nelson, and "Lord, I Believe" by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. Catch the Wave is about missionary work, especially encouraging all members to participate in the work any way they can. "Lord, I Believe" is about faith, especially not letting the limits of our faith get in the way of acting on and sharing the faith we have.

I think my message will focus mostly on missionary work, with a "you know enough to share what you know" feel. As much as I love Elder Holland, and as much as I'd like to focus on his talk, Missionary Work seems to be the main focus of the church right now. It seems we're trying to get the world ready for the Second Coming and the Final Judgement, which have never been closer and will only get closer from here. If I'm supposed to give a talk on a talk Elder Nelson gave on missionary work, I should probably focus on that, but I'll throw in as much of Elder Holland's talk as is relevant.

The idea I think I'll be using is that even though none of us know everything about the gospel, and we may not be able to answer every question our neighbors may have, we know enough to bear our testimony of the truth of the gospel and especially of the particular parts of the gospel where our testimonies are strong. If I were teaching a younger group, I might have an activity where each person was given parts of a picture, and each person was given different parts. Each person could say "I don't know about the whole picture, but I know about this part." And as each member of the class share their respective parts with each other, they'll all eventually have the whole picture.

I don't know everything about the gospel, but I get insights occasionally, and I share them when I can. As I share my insights with you and others share their insights with me, we all end up learning the gospel together. Everyone who knows less about the gospel should seek guidance from those who know more, and those who know more about the gospel should humbly, but honestly, share what they know with others, so we can all learn together.

There may be parts of the gospel that you don't understand, but that's okay. Don't let what you don't know stand in the way of you sharing what you do know.

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