Monday, September 16, 2013

Where We Are Willing to Go

Not sure which talk this is from, but I've got a guess or two. I'd look it up, but I'm running low on time.

What I like about this quote (besides it's initial appeal by its message of redemption) is the phrase "where you are willing to go." It's interesting that even though God loves us enough to want what's best for us, He also respects us enough to let us choose. He knows we need guidance, and He gives it to us in the form of prophets, and other wise men; He knows we need motivation, and He gives it to us in the forms of promises of blessings and warnings of hell; but He also knows we need to make our own decisions, or A) the outcome wouldn't really be fair, and B) we wouldn't learn anything, so He lets us choose. Sometimes our choices lead us in bad directions, but that doesn't change the fact that God loves us and still wants what's best for all of His children, even the worst of us. He has a Plan of Redemption, and He let's us choose whether we'll follow that plan. He's very willing to help us make the right decisions, but the choice is always ours.

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