Saturday, August 22, 2015

Blogging for the Sake of Blogging

Some nights, I think "It's really late, and I don't have anything really blogworthy on my mind right now. Can't I just skip the blog post, just for tonight?" But i know that, if I did that, if I made a conscious decision not to blog one night, it wouldn't just be that one night. With many things, once they've been done once, it's easy to do it again, and 'nothing' is one of those things. So, I'm blogging tonight, not because I have anything blogworthy to say (though this is pretty blogworthy, if I may say so myself), or even so I can say that I am successfully maintaining a daily/nightly blog. I'm blogging tonight so it'll be that much easier to blog tomorrow, and to keep blogging every day until God tells me to stop. The idea of not blogging is sometimes frighteningly tempting. I don't want to make that any easier for myself by setting a precedent.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

You are right. So many times we are tempted to do or not do something "just this once". It is sometimes hard to keep slogging on, but once we turn aside or stop it can be even harder to get back on track. Keep on keeping on doing what is right or what needs to be done.

Your not a robot verifier told me to select all the food. I almost failed because I didn't want to select pretzels.