Saturday, September 5, 2015

Relearning my Lesson

Today was a good, full day, and though I'm sure I had at least one or two blogworthy thoughts today, I currently can't remember any of them. Tonight is one more reminder of why I should blog earlier in the day.

Come to think of it, I don't think learning one's lesson is always a one-time event. Sometimes, we "learn our lesson," or at least think we do, but then we forget and have to learn it again. Lately, I've picked up the habit o blogging pretty much first thing in the morning, and that's worked out much better than when I put off blogging until night time. This morning, blogging first thing in the morning wasn't an option, but I certainly had an opportunity or two to blog earlier than now. I thought I had learned the importance of blogging as early as possible. Apparently, that's a lesson that I still need to learn.

Each commandment is its own lesson that we need to learn over time. For example, one could develop the habit of studying the scriptures daily, and receive great spiritual blessings for that. Still, that person might fall out of that habit, gradually lose those spiritual blessings, forget what he or she is missing out on, and have to relearn about the blessings that come from frequent, regular scripture study.

We all have many spiritual lessons to learn in mortality, but over the course of learning all those lessons, we sometimes need "refresher courses" on lessons that we thought we had mastered. I have learned that it's important for me to blog early, but today proved to be a reminder of why that's important. I'm sorry that I haven't fully learned my lesson yet and that this blog post isn't any earlier or better than it is, as I'm sure it could have been. Tomorrow, I promise to blog much, much earlier.

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