Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sabbath Reevaluation

At the end of last General Conference, Elder Russel M. Nelson urged us  to "examine [our] feelings about, and your behavior on, the Sabbath day." Thankfully, I already did such a thing at the beginning of the week, so I've got a small head start on applying the lesson I learned from my General Conference talk today. Last Monday, I said that "The Sabbath is certainly a good day to evaluate how well one is keeping the commandments and how they could do better." Evaluating one's behavior is a good use of the Sabbath, and I hope we all take at least a moment or two to do that. Frequently examining my performance and goals is part of what made my mission such a life-changing experience, but you don't need to be a missionary to think about what and how you're doing. Anyone can do it, and we all should frequently, perhaps even weekly, and the Sabbath day is as good a time for that as any and a better time for that than most.

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