Sunday, September 27, 2015

Two Tools to Help You Learn From General Conference

Even though it's not October yet, the October 2015 General Conference has officially begun, starting with the General Women's Session, which took place last Saturday night. I didn't sit in on that Conference session, though I probably should have. Experiencing the session live (or nearly so) would have been a good experience. Still, given the resources I have now, listening to the talks and benefiting from them should still be fairly easy.

For starters, each of the talks have been posted to youtube by LDS General Conference as individual videos, with each video's being the name of the person who gave that talk. For example, if you wanted to watch the first talk of this General Conference, Rosemary M. Wixom's talk, "Discovering the Divinity Within," you could go on youtube and search for "LDS General Conference Rosemary M. Wixom," and you should find said video fairly quickly. From there, you can watch the video repeatedly, pausing whenever you want to, replaying parts you want to listen to again and again, and thus pick up the exact wording of the inspiring quotes you heard the first time you heard the talk.

As an additional study guide, or if you don't have the time to watch an eleven-minute, nineteen-second Youtube video, you could check out the talk summaries, which highlight the key points of the talks and reveal the talks' titles. Using the summaries, you can begin thinking about the topic and coming up with related questions to ask yourself while you watch the video and listen to the talk itself.

One thing I love about General Conference is how easy the Church makes it to enjoy and benefit from the General Conference talks. The talk summaries and the individual videos posted on youtube are just two of the tools we can use to get the most out of General Conference, and these tools became available the day after the talks had been given. General Conference is not a series of talks that you listen to once and never think about again. With these tools, and many more to become available soon, we can study these talks and learn from them as many times as we want. I haven't yet listened to any of this session's General Conference talks from start to finish, but I plan on listening to all of them more than once, and the tools that the LDS church provides makes it wonderfully easy to do so.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Thanks for the tips on the tools.
We are blessed! and because we are so blessed with so many resources to hear God's word, we are responsible to do so and to live our lives accordingly. For most of us there is no excuse. If we choose not to avail ourselves of these resources, we are still responsible. Sounds pretty heavy, but the blessings of obedience and spiritual growth far out weigh the burden. No people in the history of the world have had such wonderful access to the word of God except those who actually lived and walked with Christ during His mortal ministry.