Thursday, February 11, 2016

Procrastination Is Bad

There are basically three times in a day when I could blog on most days. I could blog in the morning, before I go to school, I could blog while I'm at Institute, between classes, or I could blog when I get home from school in the evening.

Blogging in the morning would be best. I usually have an hour or two between the time I wake up and the time I leave for school. Yes, I have things that I need to do then to get ready for my day, but most mornings, I also spend some time on Facebook. I could spend that time blogging instead. That way, I could get my blog post in early and not have to worry about it for the rest of the day.

Blogging at Institute isn't too bad either, and it's a good fallback plan if I fail to blog in the morning. Again, I'll have an hour or two to blog between classes, and there's usually something blogworthy being discussed at the Institute. If I pay enough attention, I could gain an insight, then share it on my blog moments later. Of course, that means I'd need to take my heavy computer to school with me, but I usually do that anyway, and on the days that I don't, I could go to the school's library to blog, like I did when we went without the Internet for a few days.

The worst time for me to blog is in the evenings. There's usually too much going on at home, and I tend to get distracted. Plus, that's the only time (other than weekends) that I get to hang out with my family. I should really spend that time with them, not on my phone or computer.

So, I tend to put off blogging until the last minute, when it's late, and I'm tired, and I don't know what to blog about, and I end up posting something really lame. We all deserve for me to be a better blogger than that.

In light of all of this, I'm going to start making more of an effort. I'm going to try to blog earlier. I won't make a goal to always blog before I come home, because then I'll end up in the library at 6pm, trying to think of something to blog about so I can go home, but my original agreement was to blog before noon each day, and I should try to honor that. Maybe I'll go beyond that deadline by up to an hour, but I'll try to get a blog post in before then. I won't always succeed, but when the alternative is posting a lousy blog post minutes from midnight, I think it'll be worth the effort.

The moral of this story is that procrastination is bad. When I procrastinate, I end up stressing out about the deadline, losing sleep, and generally feeling like a terrible blogger. However, if I blog earlier, when my mind is still awake, I should be able to produce better blog posts and get more sleep. President Deiter F. Uchtdorf said that "now is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be, not only twenty years from now, but also for all eternity." I don't want to be a procrastinator for all eternity, so I had better start working on that now.

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