Monday, August 22, 2016

Brought to My Knees

Apparently, I get clumsy when I'm tired. After a particularly trying day, I spilled something, and, in my attempt to clean it up, I was necessarily, and literally, brought to my knees. I usually find irony funny, but this time, I was more annoyed than amused.

I know that it's important to pray frequently, especially when things are going badly and I could use some extra help, but I don't think I had been praying enough that day, which might have been at least part of the reason I was so tired, clumsy, and frustrated.

I need to remember to pray, especially, but not only, when things are going badly. I need more help than I care to admit, and, for whatever reason, God makes many of His blessings contingent on our praying for them. When we don't pray, we're missing out, perhaps even on the blessings we need to get through the day.

I wish I had prayed more earlier, but I can pray now. Hopefully, things will go better in the future.

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