Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Emotion Contagion

Today, in my Interpersonal Communication class, we talked about emotions. We talked about the fact that emotions are contagious (though, apparently, there aren't any solid theories as to why that is), and that, given that emotions are contagious, it's important to spread positive emotions and not catch negative ones. We can spread positive emotions by expressing them. This can be as simple as smiling, or as blunt as talking about how we feel when we're feeling good. Spreading positive emotions is fairly easy. What's harder is not catching negative ones.

We can avoid catching negative emotions in much the same way that we can avoid catching a disease: by avoiding those who carry them, by wearing a surgical mask, by washing our hands frequently, and by keeping our immune system strong. Avoiding those who are being negative is not always possible. You can try to "cure" their negative emotions, but that doesn't always work, either. Other methods include placing a mental barrier between their emotions and yours, basically deciding not to let their emotions affect yours; frequently "curing" the negative emotions you get from them; and developing a positive attitude that's hard to bring down.

It is possible to avoid catching negative emotions, and it's easy to spread good ones. May we apply our medical knowledge to our feelings, so we can maintain and spread good emotional health.

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