Saturday, July 22, 2017

Good Intentions

I started with such good intentions. I was going to blog first (or second) thing in the morning. But then I went to a meeting with my brother, and before I knew it, half the day was gone. The other half of the day was spent being tired and playing a card game with my brother, and this evening was largely occupied by a shopping trip with my mom and my sister. So, on the day I was going to blog early and had basically all day to do it, I still end up blogging just before midnight, as I do most days. I'll do better tomorrow.

At least, I intend to do better tomorrow, just as I had intended to do better today, but good intentions are not always enough. Sometimes, one's intentions aren't as important as one's actual results. Yet, I still think there are some circumstances in which intentions are more important than results. God judges people by their hearts, which is where their intentions lie, so if a person attempts to do something, but they fail, God still gives them credit for it.

Of course, that might depend on why they fail. I could have blogged earlier today, and I had intended to, but I failed, and that failure falls solely on my shoulders. If I had intended to blog earlier, but couldn't because of circumstances out of my control, like computer trouble, then God might have let me off the hook, but I had an opportunity to blog this afternoon, and I failed to take it. My prior good intentions weren't good enough.

Thankfully, I'll get another chance to blog early tomorrow morning. If I'm smart, I'll take that chance and prove my good intentions then.

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