Friday, July 14, 2017

Learning About Spacetime

My brother and I have been talking about spacetime. Or, rather, he's been trying to explain spacetime to me (and also something about how photons turn into electrons and positrons, and how positrons and electrons turn back into photons), except that we're both too tired to effectively have this conversation. However, I get the feeling that, even if we weren't so tired, this would probably be a difficult conversation to have. Space is complicated, and it's complicated further when we consider time as, somehow, being a dimension of space (or of spacetime). I'm afraid that it's all going over my head.

Yet, I know that it's not going over God's head. God understands space. He created space. He designed space. And eventually, after a LOT of teaching, if we're worthy, we will be entrusted with the power to create spaces for ourselves. I currently can hardly even fathom what that means; I can't even begin to comprehend how smart or intelligent or educated a person would need to be to actually do that.

It's amazing to me that God understands the universe and everything in it. What's even more amazing, though, is that God can teach us to understand it, too.

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