Friday, June 22, 2018

Fight Fire With Water

In our culture of aggressive politics, I find it comforting to hear moderate voices. Many people are polarized and polarizing, and when the two sides fight each other, they don't always stop at arguing. Too many political movements have turned violent, and I believe that that's largely because we've forgotten how to "live and let live." Many people think it's "us verses them," "silence or be silenced," but I think that that tactic is terribly dangerous. When we fight fire with fire, the whole world burns.

I admire those who can fight fire with water, those who can face hostility and aggression and answer it with understanding and sympathy. I respect those who keep calm and help others keep calm. And I support those who spread love for others instead of hatred of others. I do not admire, respect, or support those who fan the flames of hatred. Hatred isn't productive. Tolerance is.

Being calm and moderate may not win a person many political points, but it will win them my respect and it will help make the world a better place. Those who fight fire with fire attract more attention, but I prefer those who help to put the fires out.

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