Thursday, June 14, 2018

God Can Do Anything

When I think about the Priesthood and what we can do with it, I generally only think of a handful of things: ordinances, healings, and maybe a few other other types of blessings. I don't usually think about conjuring frogs or lice, creating darkness or fire, transmuting water into blood, or just straight up killing people. These sorts of powers might be ascribed to a witch or a demon-worshiper. But God is omnipotent, and He doesn't only have an infinite amount of power; He also has an infinite variety of powers. God has power over life, death, and the elements. He controls space and time. He can do anything He can think of. And He does it all through the power of the Priesthood.

God's power is incredible, not just for the sheer level of His power, but also for the scope of His power. With God's power, Moses did many things that I wouldn't have thought that divine power could do. However, just as with the cursing of the fig tree, the plagues of Egypt aren't an unthinkable use of God's power. God can do anything, even things we would never have expected Him to be able and willing to do.

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