Saturday, June 23, 2018

Which Fault to Focus On?

I have been blessed with an awareness of many of my faults, which prompts me to wonder which faults I should work on overcoming first. The most serious one? The one that has the strongest negative effect on others? The one that I think would be easiest to overcome quickly? In theory, we will all have to overcome all our faults eventually, but in the short term, it may be important which faults we focus on first.

I like the idea of working on the one that affects others first. There is too much negativity in the world already. I don't want to keep adding to it. However, there is something to be said for solving problems quickly. I've heard of financial advisors encouraging their clients to pay off their smallest debts first, so they can stop paying interest on it and then take the money they were spending on paying off the first debt and use that money to help pay off the next one. Perhaps, if I overcame a few easy faults first, I could have them not hanging over my head anymore, and without those faults holding me back, perhaps I would do a better job overcoming the others.

Of course, the most serious fault is the most important, but it also has a minimal effect on others, and it will take, and has taken, a great deal of time and effort to overcome it. It's a long-term goal, not a short-term goal. For the short term, I think I'll focus on the flaw that's most likely to affect others. It may not be the easiest problem ti solve, and it may not be the most important, but it is the one that spreads the most darkness, and I can't allow that to persist. I can overcome my other faults, big and small, after I overcome the one that hurts those I love.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Ask the One who knows you best and loves you most. And ask for His help. Thank you for your example of humility. And of always striving to be better. And of constant kind service.