Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Two Renewed Blogging Goals

At one point, I had decided that I would blog about at least one General Conference talk each week, to make sure I wouldn't fall behind in my goal to blog about almost all of each General Conference's talks before the following Conference. However, that goal fell by the wayside, and I am now a month or two behind schedule.

Another Blogging-About-Conference goal, that I made when I first started blogging daily a few years ago, was to blog about a General Conference talk each day, but I'm not renewing that goal. However, I have, at long last, decided to renew my original goal to post each day's blog post before noon. This might not be possible on Sundays and Wednesdays, due to scheduling conflicts, but otherwise, it will force me to think about blogworthy topics near the start of my day, which will hopefully linger throughout the day until I hopefully go to bed at a reasonable hour from now on.

I have no doubts that I will once again fail to meet these two goals that I am again setting for myself. I may even fail enough times to almost forget I ever set these goals. However, if and when this happens, I hope that I will have the wisdom to re-renew these goals. I know they'll help me, and that makes them goals worth setting and striving for.

I am thankful for the opportunity the Sacrament affords us in letting us renew the covenants that we, through our mortal weakness, have broken. Covenants, even after having been broken, can be remade, and we will be made better people if we do so. Satan wants us to think that, if we have ever failed, we have failed forever, but that's not true. Repentance and renewal of covenants and blessings are possible, and, in fact, frequently necessary. That may be part of why the Lord wants us to take the Sacrament each week: to renew whatever covenants we may have broken during the week, just as I am renewing two of my goals now. Living the Gospel requires regular reminders and recommitments, and so does maintaining a daily, usually-at-least-semi-spiritual blog.

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