Saturday, April 27, 2019

Varying Spoon Costs

I've been learning things about spoons. Spoons are sometimes used as stand-ins for mental/emotional energy. If you're too tired to do something, even if you're not physically tired at all, it may be because you don't have enough spoons.

What I've learned recently is that the same activity may cost different people different numbers of spoons. Washing dishes, for example, isn't always a two- or three-spoon task. For some people, washing dishes might only cost them one spoon. For some people, it might cost them four.

Activities may also have different spoon costs at different times of day. Some people are morning people and have an easier time getting things done in the morning than in the evening. Some people are evening people and can keep doing things late into the evening.

People are different. We have different strengths and weaknesses, different abilities and disabilities. Something that's easy for one person at one time might be more difficult for another person or at another time. So we should try to be patient and understanding with each other, especially when people seem to be running low on spoons. The easiness or difficulty of any task is relative, and it may change by the hour, so even though we may think we know how many spoons a certain action should cost a certain person, we shouldn't be too sure.

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