Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles

What little scripture study I did today reminded me of why I need to do more. Elder Juan Pablo Villar of the Seventy said that spiritual gifts, such as the ability to perceive spiritual messages, are like physical muscles. We need to make a habit of "Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles" in order for them to grow. This means that we need to do more than just pray and read the scriptures. We also have to use our spiritual gifts, just like we use our muscles. If we don't use our spiritual gifts frequently enough, we can lose them, just as muscles can atrophy if we don't use them.

I'm afraid that may be what happened to me. I used to be better at blogging, but then I got complacent in looking for spiritual messages, and now I'm lucky if I can come up with anything blogworthy at the end of the day. Fortunately, I have already begun to work on the solution to this problem. One way we can strengthen or regain our spiritual muscles is by exercising them. Thus, the way to get better at noticing spiritual messages is to make a conscious effort to do so. The same goes with other spiritual gifts, as well as almost everything. If you want to get better at anything, the only necessary step is to practice it.  Studay and training can help, of course, and they can sometimes be essential, but it is always essential to practice. That's the main reason I really ought to practice what I preach. I can blog about righteousness until my fingertips bruise, but unless I actually practice said righteousness, I'm not really doing much, if any good.

I want to do good and become better. To do that, it is essential for me to exercise my spiritual muscles by regularly using them.

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