Friday, August 23, 2019

The Pink Piece of Paper

Earlier today, as I was out and about, I saw a piece of litter, a pink piece of paper, and decided to pick it up and trow it away. However, as soon as I lifted it, I put it back down because, underneath that paper, I saw a small lizard who, apparently, was using the paper for shade. So, I put the paper back down and walked away, figuring that I would leave the cute little lizard and his/her house alone.

As I walked away, I wondered what had changed. One moment, I saw the piece of paper as litter that I wanted to throw away, and the next, I saw it a a lizard's home that I wanted to leave where it was. I think that the main reason I started to see the piece of paper differently was that I now saw it from a different perspective. I, personally, didn't see much value in that piece of paper, but to the lizard, that piece of paper was a valuable source of shelter. Once I saw how much that paper meant to that lizard, I no longer saw it as a piece of garbage.

The same can be true of us. He don't always see our true value because we only see ourselves from our own perspective. However, if we look at ourselves from another perspective, specifically God's, we may begin to see the value that He sees in us. I hope that none of us sees ourselves as garbage, and I certainly hope that none of us want to throw ourselves away, because we all have far more value than we realize. God sees far more value in us than we see in ourselves.

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