Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas in Your Heart

While I was busy blogging about other things, I started to collect blogworthy, Christmasy picture quotes from Facebook to blog about later. I'll share one of them now.

There's Christmas in the home and church,
There's Christmas in the mart,
But you'll not know what Christmas is
Unless it's in your heart.
- Thomas S. Monson

When I first saw this picture quote, I knew I wanted to blog about it, and I even started to, but I didn't really want to blog about it yet. The reason for that was that, at the time, I wasn't sure if Christmas was in my heart then. It was about a week ago, nearly two weeks into December, and I just wasn't really feeling it, you know? It was probably just the stress of schoolwork and finals and trying to figure out gifts distracting me, but I also realized, and blogged about, the need for a conscious effort to attract and cultivate the Spirit of Christmas. Fortunately, through another picture quote, I found a good way to do that, and I'll blog about that tomorrow, but also fortunately, my trouble with finals will be over soon, and I'll be able to give my full attention to truly observing and enjoying Christmas. I look forward to that. In the meantime, I should probably go to sleep so I can be rested up for continuing to write my final essay tomorrow. I will be so glad when Finals Week is over and I can focus on more important things.

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