Saturday, December 19, 2015

Good Singing

Tonight, I want to a Christmas Dinner/Party with my family. It was a nice evening, with lots of good food and good company. There was also a small program of volunteer performers, mostly singing songs about Jesus, and while I might not say that all of the performances were particularly good in terms of quality, I can definitely say that they were all good in terms of morality. There is a semantic difference in "good" as opposed to "poor" and "good" as opposed to "evil." Most of the performances I've seen tonight were the first kind of "good," and all of them were the second.

And that's what really matters. Conveying a good message, even if you can only do it poorly, is a very good thing to do. You may think you're not talented enough, but you don't have to be. If people really listen, they'll be able to look past the quality of the performance and see the quality of the message.

Some people don't like to go Christmas carolling because they think they can't sing. Personally, I don't think that's a good enough reason not to. As long as one has a testimony of Jesus Christ, I think they should feel free to sing about Him at Christmastime, even if they don't think they can sing quite as well as others. It's not how well a person sings that makes a performance good or bad; it's the message of a song that determines whether or not a song is good, and Christmas songs are about as good as songs get. I invite you to join in singing the hymns of Christmas, even if you think you can't sing. You may not be able to sing well, but you can certainly sing of good.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Thanks, we needed to hear that. We were concerned for our choir performance today, hope the Angels will help get the message across.