Saturday, December 10, 2016

Clearing the Path

Today's Light the World challenge was to help people walk. Today, I did this by clearing the path from our front door to the side walk. Occasionally, that path gets obstructed, making it difficult and unpleasant for some members of my family to traverse. It didn't take long to clear the path, and it certainly wasn't difficult for me, but doing so made the things easier for others who have a harder time.

Throughout our lives, we all get opportunities to "clear the path" and make things easier for others. Sometimes, we do so by teaching them or guiding them. Sometimes, we do so by inventing some tool, technique, recipe, or method for others to use. And sometimes, we are literally clearing paths that we know others will follow. Let us take advantage of those opportunities so we can make life a little bit easier and more pleasant for others. Life is difficult, but we can make it a little bit less difficult by clearing paths for each other.

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