Friday, December 16, 2016

Define Compassion

It's hard for me to judge whether or not I've shown compassion today. How do you show compassion?  Some have defined compassion as "sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others." As such, compassion is usually invoked in the cases of those who are less fortunate, but I think this use of the term might be too narrow. We all suffer from time to time. We all have misfortunes. It's not only the especially unfortunate people who need compassion. We all do. Can one "show compassion" by, say, doing a chore for someone who's tired? I suppose, in a small way, I was sympathetic to the needs of others today. So, sure, why not? I "showed compassion" today. 13 for 16. But I'm still not fully convinced that I know what "compassion" even means. What does and does not count as an act of compassion? I'm open to your thoughts, and I'm open to unpacking this word further later, because I'm sure I don't understand compassion as well as I would like to.

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