Saturday, December 24, 2016

Small, Simple, Sincere

The penultimate Light the World challenge was to care for your loved ones, and part of me doubts that I adequately did this today since I didn't do anything special to show that I care for them. But I'd like to think that it doesn't take much to show you care. Small acts of service and kindness, if performed frequently, should suffice. So when I took several small opportunities to help and serve my family, I hope that was enough to show that I care for them.

As with many other Light the World challenges, I think that caring for loved ones is done just as well, if not better, by many small acts as than by a few grand acts. When it comes to showing love, doing so in frequent, simple ways is more convincing than by showing love occasionally and with grand gestures. Performing great acts of love and service is good, but serving frequently may be better.

I didn't go out of my way to care for my loved ones today, but I did serve them in small ways several times over the course of the day, so I'd say I met today's challenge. I'm 20 for 24. Tomorrow will be the last day of the challenge, and it will also be Christmas. I'm looking forward to that. It's fun to exchange presents, it'll be wonderful to celebrate Christmas on the Sabbath, and it's always nice to spend quality time with family, especially since spending time with them is one of many simple ways to show that you care.

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