Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Priorities - Running Out of Time

Because I got distracted by a cute, cartoon owl, and because my computer is being painfully slow and crashing occasionally, and because I took some time to work on a special project (on which I'll do some more work when I'm done blogging), and because I spent a few too many minutes learning how magic wands and scrolls are made, I now have only half an hour to write a decent blog post. Next time, I'll try to get my blogging done before spending time on cartoon owls and magic wands (the special project was something of a priority task. It couldn't wait for blogging).

Just about everything we do in life takes a certain amount of time, which is really interesting since we only have so much time to spend on earth, and no one knows for sure how much time the really have. If I knew that my time was almost up (which, if we're talking about blogging, it almost is), I probably wouldn't spend quite so much time studying magic. Even the special project might have been put on hold. I might still have taken the time to meet the owl, though. I'll post a link to his website in the comments. He's really worth checking out, especially if you feel that life gets you down sometimes.

But my time is running out, or at least it makes sense to act as if it were. I constantly need to check my priorities and try to make sure I'm spending my time wisely, because no one knows how much or how little time I have left except God.

Thankfully, God is usually pretty forgiving of our foolishness. Even though we spend a significant portion of our time on things of the world and of our own imaginations and other things that don't really matter in the long run, He's grateful for whatever amount of time we choose to give to Him (though, for our own sakes, He usually asks for more time than we voluntarily offer Him). Time spent improving ourselves spiritually and blessing the lives of others is time well spent. With everything else, we should judge whether what we're doing is going to help us reach our eternal goals, and consider changing our behavior to more closely match our goals. For me, personally, I know I spend more time thinking about magic and other fantastical things than I probably should. I'll try to cut down on that, and spend more time working toward more long-term goals instead.


Andrew Robarts said...

Boggle the Owl:
On Tumblr: http://boggletheowl.tumblr.com/
And on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boggle-the-Owl/444285825608960

motherof8 said...

I do like Boggle the Owl.

If I knew my time was close, I would
1) Repent ! and learn to really pray
2) Tell my children, grands, and friends that I love them. I would find more time with them.
3) Enjoy all the little things in life more and maybe do some of the things I am always wanting to do.

Since our time might not be up today or this week or really soon (and also since there may be people relying on us), we still need to do the things we need to do to maintain life
1) earn a paycheck and pay the bills,
2) clean the house and do the laundry
et cetera

But maybe, we can find a little more balance.