Saturday, June 7, 2014

Under Construction

Since I knew I wouldn't have much time for blogging this morning, I spent a portion of last night on Facebook, looking for something I could blog about. I found this:

Though I'm sure it's just a translation error, I couldn't help thinking that, in a way, they're right. Today is under construction. We build it one moment at a time. Each passing moment makes this day more complete until it's fully over. Right now, it's too early to say that today has been a good day or a bad one, because it's still in progress. As long as there's even a single moment left in a day, it could still get better or worse, depending mostly on our actions and our attitudes.

That could be applied to our entire lives as well. We are all works in progress, under construction. As long as we're still alive, we can build on what we have and make our lives more meaningful. We can continually make repairs and renovations to the parts of ourselves we didn't build so well the first time, or, if our lives are already in really good shape, we could add another room, or a garden, or a pool. No matter what condition our lives are in, as long as we're alive, we can always make improvements to make ourselves that much better.

Today, I'm under construction, so I'm going to try to use today (and every day afterward, if I remember) to make myself a better person. Sometimes I worry about how poor a job I did earlier in life and I don't think I'm doing any better now, but I'm a work in progress. Every day, I have a new chance to repair and renovate the life I've been building and improve the kind of person I am. Some day, I'm going to have a full and complete life that doesn't need so many major repairs, but until then, I'm going to keep building on what I have.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Wise words. I am going to try to remember this.