Saturday, January 31, 2015

Connection Reestablished

Being without access to the internet from home for a while has caused me to think about the Zoramies who "were cast out of the synagogues because of the coarseness of their apparel," and believed that, because they weren't allowed to enter the synagogues, they could not worship God. Alma and Amulek went to talk to those people, and one of the things they taught them was that the could worship God anywhere, whether they were at home, in their fields, or out on the streets. While we had lost our connection to the internet at home, we could still access the internet at a number of places, including the school's library and Starbucks and McDonalds, if we brought our own devices. Mom was the best-prepared of all of us. She has a smartphone, so she was able to connect to the internet from anywhere, even from home.

We each have our own spiritual smartphones. We can connect to God, no matter where we are. We have unlimited access to the greatest source of information the world has ever known, and sometimes, it takes a brief disconnection to a lesser, but still amazing, source of information to remind us of that. I'm thankful that we can always reach God when we need Him. Let us try to make sure that He can always reach us. Try to maintain your connection to heaven so you don't miss any important messages. If you feel like you've lost your connection, repent and reestablish it. It's very important. Even through this outage, I haven't gone a day without connecting with the internet. We should never let a day go by in which we don't connect with God.

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