Monday, September 4, 2017

Procrastinating Goals, Delaying Blessings

I've been following Keith Ballard's let's play of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Breath of the Wild is an open world game with a very open approach to the story of the game. There are some clear goals, but the player is given the freedom to accomplish those goals whenever they get around to it. This level of freedom caused a problem for Keith.

Just before he was given the ability to leave the tutorial area and explore the whole map of the game, he was instructed to go talk to a particular NPC in a nearby town. Had he gone there directly, he could have made the journey in less than half an hour and would have quickly found a clothing shop and another NPC, who could increase his inventory slots. Instead, Keith wandered around the map for about 40 half-hour episodes, occasionally complaining that he didn't have many clothing options and that his inventory was constantly running out of room.

In life, God gives us a great deal of freedom, but He has also given us a few goals. If we abuse our freedom and procrastinate accomplishing those goals, we can end up missing out on blessings that would be useful (if not essential) to us. As we go through life, it can be fun, and even therapeutic, to go at our own pace and choose our own path, but we should still be careful not to ignore the path that God has lain out for us. The longer we put off doing the things God has asked us to do, the longer we'll have to do without the blessings we will gain by doing them. Let us try to be more wise than Keith was by resisting distractions and temptations and by accomplishing our God-given goals (and receiving the blessings thereof) sooner rather than later.

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