Friday, March 8, 2019

A Sure Way to Pass Our Tests

President Eyring's talk Try, Try, Try contains a message that relates to the one I shared last night. My blog post was about how our trials get harder the more capable we are, partly because God wants to really test us and Satan wants to destroy us. President Eyring also spoke of the difficulties of our trials, but he  also offered us some reassurance:
My reassurance is this: the loving God who allowed these tests for you also designed a sure way to pass through them. Heavenly Father so loved the world that He sent His Beloved Son to help us. His Son, Jesus Christ, gave His life for us. Jesus Christ bore in Gethsemane and on the cross the weight of all our sins. He experienced all the sorrows, the pains, and the effects of our sins so that He could comfort and strengthen us through every test in life.
Every trial we face in life, we can face with the aid and strength of Jesus Christ. We don't have to fight our battles alone. Satan is hell-bent on destroying us, but Jesus is devoted to helping us. And with His help, we can do anything we need to do, even defeat a countless-eons-old immortal demon who knows our weaknesses better than we do. God lets us face difficult challenges with infinitely-high stakes because He knows that, with the right help, we can win. In fact, if we get His help and make good use of it, we can't lose. So, yes, we fight difficult battles, and those battles will only get harder as time goes on, but as long as we team up with Jesus, we're unbeatable.

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