Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The (Un)Certain Future

This morning, I was a bit worried about running my D&D game tonight, mostly because I wasn't sure how it was going to go. Then I realized that that's really no different from anything else. No matter what the situation is, we can't be entirely sure how it'll turn out. There's only one person who knows what the future holds, and He's got it under control.

So, sure, we could worry about the future because we're not sure how it'll turn out, or we can trust that God knows what He's doing and that, if the future is bad enough that we should worry about it, it's also probably bad enough that God would pull whatever strings He needs to to make sure the future turns out differently.

Of course, God has different ideas than we do about what's acceptable and what's not. He sometimes allows great tragedies to happen (not that a botched D&D game would have been a great tragedy. I was referring to senseless deaths, such as wars, abortions, and shootings). God sometimes allows these things to happen because He sees farther into the future than we do. He sees the healing that comes, eventually, from heartache. He sees the strength that comes, eventually, from struggling. He sees good that comes, eventually, from bad situations, and He plans the future accordingly.

So, the future may not turn out exactly the way we want it to. In fact, it may sometimes turn out exactly as bad as we fear. When that happens, we can hold on to the fact that God both knows and can manipulate the future and that He has everyone's best interest at heart. The future may not turn out the way I want it to, but whatever future we get is good enough for God to allow it, and that's good enough for me.

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