Friday, September 13, 2019

Bad Luck

I think there is such a thing as luck. We sometimes switch the word "lucky" out for "blessed," and we're usually right to do so. Many of the positive aspects of our lives which we might attribute to random chance are actually blessings from God. However, I am less confident in ascribing credit (or rather, blame) to God when we're talking about bad luck.

Not every instance of misfortune is an act of God. Not every stubbed toe is the result of protective blessings being withheld. I think that God established this world on the foundation of natural laws and that He usually lets those laws play out as they will. If you catch a cold, it's probably because you chanced upon some bad bacteria, not because God deliberately smote you with the illness for His own reasons.

Naturally, it's possible that God has a hand in literally everything, and that every good or bad event that ever happens to us is a direct result of His influence, but He doesn't strike me as that much of a micro-manager. I think that He often lets the natural consequences play themselves out. Yes, every affliction can be spun into a blessing, but that doesn't mean they were all caused by God. Sometimes, it's just bad luck.

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