Sunday, January 24, 2021

Perspectives on Sacrifices

Today, I heard a handful of messages about sacrifice and how we can look at sacrifices in a more positive light. Often, we think of sacrifices as something we have to give up, something we have to do without, just because God says so. But another way to look at sacrifices is as an offering, something we are giving to God as thanks for the blessings He has given us and in anticipation of the blessings He may yet give us.

God has given us many blessings, and He offers us many more on the conditions of obedience. When we are obedient and make sacrifices for God, we can qualify for further blessings which are far greater than that which we are asked to give up.

So, when we think about making sacrifices, perhaps it's best not to focus on what we're giving up, but rather to focus on what we have been given and may yet be given.

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