Friday, November 5, 2021

Focusing on the Future

One of the students I've tutored today talked about his journaling habits. Previously, he had journaled about the past. At the end of the day or week, he would write about what had happened and how he felt about it. This prompted me to tell him that, when I journaled, I wrote mostly about the present, focusing on what had just happened and/or what would happen that day or in the very near future. But the student told me that, lately, he has started journaling about the more distant future, recording his hopes and dreams as well as his plans and goals.

This seemed, to both of us, to be a good idea. Thinking ahead like that can help someone develop a plan that can inform their actions in the present. If one takes the right actions, they can lead themselves toward almost any future they want, which is something one can't do when they focus only on the present or the past. Perhaps I should learn to look father ahead and try to figure out where I want to go and how I'm going to get there. I need to learn to focus on the future, because if I don't, who knows where my future will take me?

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