Monday, November 1, 2021

Ordinances for the Dead

Tonight, for family scripture study, we read a few sections in the Doctrine and Covenants that made reference to baptisms for the dead, and we talked about what a unique and uplifting doctrine that is. We, like other Christian churches, know that saving ordinances are essential, but we, unlike other Christian churches, know that one's mortal life isn't one's only chance to get them. Those who die without being baptized, endowed, or sealed can still be baptized, endowed, and sealed to their families, if those ordinances are performed for them in the temple. This way, through temple work, everyone can have a chance to be saved in the kingdom of God.

I'm grateful that God gives everyone a fair chance to choose eternal life and exaltation. It would truly be terrible if those who died before baptism were damned for eternity. I'm glad that God's plan is more forgiving than that. I'm glad that everyone can get the essential, saving, and exalting ordinances, even those who couldn't get them in this life.

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