Monday, September 15, 2014

Fighting for a Worthy Prize

People who know what prize they're fighting for often have a better attitude about how hard they have to fight for it. The greater the goal is, the harder you'll be willing to fight to get it, which is fortunate, since the greatest victories often come with the greatest costs. I saw a quote on facebook that says "If you saw the size of the blessing coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you're fighting." If we truly understood what we're fighting for, we wouldn't feel the need to complain about how difficult the battle is, because we'd know that any hardship we have to face would be overshadowed by the prize we stand to win.

We are fighting for Eternal Life, the Greatest of All the Gifts of God. To obtain such a gift would be worth any struggle or sacrifice, which is lucky, since just as Eternal Life would be worth a lot to us to obtain it, it'd be worth just as much to Satan to keep it away from us. Gaining Eternal Life would be a very good thing for us, and since Satan doesn't want any good thing to happen to us, he's as much opposed to our Eternal Progress as we should be for it. He's fighting as hard as he can. We should be too.

Life is difficult because there's a lot at stake. We stand to lose a lot if we're not careful, but we stand to gain infinitely more if we are. Because Satan understands what stakes we're fighting for, he's giving it all he's got. If we truly understood what we were fighting for, so would we. We've all been told how important it is to be valiant and keep the commandments, but in this world, it's easy to forget. In pursuit of other goals, we sometimes lose sight of our true prize, and we sometimes put too much effort toward the wrong endeavors and too little effort toward the ones that really matter. But if we could make ourselves understand what it is that truly matters, it wouldn't be as hard to keep our eyes on the prize and to fight for it.

We face a lot of opposition, but that's okay. The prize we have in store for us is well worth fighting for, no matter how hard the fight may be.

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