Thursday, September 25, 2014

One Good Reason to Repent Right Now

People say that it's never too late to repent, but it's never too early, either. Holding on to past sins and regrets is pointless. It prolongs your misery and may make repentance more difficult when you finally get around to it. People don't usually ask forgiveness from other people immediately because people usually need time to find it in their hearts to forgive others, but I don't think God has that problem. I don't know what His concept of time is, but His concepts of love and mercy are unparalleled. He's ready to forgive us as soon as we're ready to repent. Actually, He's usually ready well before we are. So don't wait under the dark cloud of despair any longer. If you have something to repent of, repent now and let the warm light of mercy enter your life. When it comes to making peace with ourselves and our creator, and experiencing the brilliance and hope of a fresh start, sooner is better than later.